University of New Mexico Hospitals
Web Analyst III (Full-time) · Albuquerque, New Mexico · 3/2019 - 3/2021
Hired on full-time after a six-month contract (from 3/2019—9/2019). Served as a lead engineer on a team of nine.
Was awarded multiple “I Care” awards by teammates & customers
Enjoyed mentoring junior developers
Led the design, development and integration (across various IT teams) of a system that has become the flagship product of the team used by over 30 clinics throughout the hospital system and a waiting list of many more; saving the organization millions of dollars
Completed a project within a few months that had been stalled for over 3 years
Helped organization quickly pivot to remote teams by leading the development of a clean & user-friendly time-tracking application during the pandemic from a very raw prototype that had been previously developed
Led an experimental project to create a compiler to automate the conversion of legacy applications
With little mobile programming experience built a well received iPad kiosk app